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          VIP LOUNGE
          Wait for your flight at “Marco Polo” Vip Lounge in boarding gates area. An exclusive and refined experience where you can find at your disposal Snacks and Drinks, Wi-Fi, Newspapers and Magazines, Smartphone charging sockets and a breathtaking terrace on the Laguna and the airfiled. Your VIP Lounge ticket is valid for one access and can be used within 1 year from the date entered when purchasing online.
          FAST TRACK
          With Fast Track you have a dedicated security lane and get much more quickly to Gates Area. Your Fast Track ticket is valid for one access and can be used within 1 year from the date entered at the time of online purchase.


          With Order No. 16/2018 of 4/9/2018, effective as of 01.10.2018, integrated with order No. 4/2023 del 31/7/2023, effective as of 01.09.2023, integrated with order No. 8/2024 del 12/6/2024, effective as of 01.07.2024, ENAC (Civil Aviation Authority) has established a Controlled Traffic Zone (the Italian abbreviation: ZTC) on the site of Venice Airport. On the basis of this Order, all vehicles entering the Airport grounds may use the road system for a maximum time of 10' (ten minutes) plus 2 minutes of tolerance, within which they must:

          • enter one of the Airport's car parks, which are excluded from the validity of the ZTC (technically the entrances to the car parks amount to exits from the ZTC);
          • exit the ZTC without entering the parking lots;

          Below is a map of the ZTC, showing the entrances and exits.



          What is the ZTC and how will it work?

          The ZTC is a restricted-access road zone which, as per Law 33/2012 can be accessed for a limited period of time. The management of the roads and the related fines is the responsibility of the relevant Police (herein taken to mean also other official state law-enforcement forces).
          For Venice Airport, this limited time has been set at ten minutes, on the basis of road studies and stress tests carried out during the months of highest airport traffic.
          The ZTC can also be controlled by the Police with systems for automatic detection of the time of stay, by way of cameras that detect vehicle number-plates by comparing the date and time of entry with and date and time of exit, thus calculating the time of stay within the ZTC.


          Why has a ZTC been set up?

          The growing demands on the safety and security of sensitive sites such as airports have led to the adoption of measures that significantly reduce congestion on roads within the Airport. This is also in view of the increasing number of passengers, and the construction works at the Airport.
          It has also become necessary to improve the conditions of accessibility to the Airport, ensuring the safety of users and the orderly flow of vehicles, also due to frequent violations of the Highway Code (such as the numerous cases of unauthorised parking along the roads), which also require a costly and constant control by the Police and other law-enforcement forces.


          Where are the ZTC entrances located?

          The entrances and exits of ZTC can be seen on the map. It is important for you to know that when you enter any of the Airport's parking facilities, you will automatically leave the ZTC so you can load/unload passengers and luggage safely.


          What happens if I stay longer than the 10-minute limit?

          If the system detects your time within the ZTC has lasted longer than 10 minutes, the Police may fine you (as per Art.1 paragraph 3 of Law No. 33, 22 March 2012). Fines range from euros 38 to euros 156 for mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles, and from euros 81 to euros 321 for other vehicles.
          As they do not deal with the management of this system, Venice Airport, SAVE Spa and/or any company of the SAVE Group have no power or possibility to issue fines, to know the data regarding transit/stay times of vehicles in the ZTC, vehicle license plates, to alter the methods and timing of detection of the times spent in the ZTC, or to consult/delete/amend the fines.


          Who cashes the fines?

          The entire amount of the fines issued is cashed by the body that issues the fines through its own Police Forces. Therefore, SAVE and ENAC do cash anything.


          Who accesses the data stored in the system?

          The data regarding vehicle transits and number plates stored in the databases at the service of the ZTC infringement detection system are accessible exclusively to the Police and other law-enforcement forces.


          What happens in the event of queues or roadblocks?

          When, for any reason, there are significant slowdowns in the flow of traffic within the ZTC (e.g. rear-end collisions, exceptional transport, road/other works etc.), the system will be deactivated so no fines will be imposed until normal traffic conditions resume.


          Can I appeal against a fine I feel is incorrect?

          As with all fines, you can appeal, to either the head of local government (Prefetto), or to the local competent Justice of the Peace (Giudice di Pace).


          When will the ZTC come into force?

          The Civil Aviation Authority Order that establishes the ZTC comes into force on 1 October, 2018.


          Do the car parks give free parking minutes for loading passengers/bags?

          The "Short Term" parking ("Accompagnatori - Sosta Breve" parking), dedicated to those who need to accompany or pick up passengers arriving or departing, allows free parking for the first 20 minutes from entering the parking area. Please note that in the Airport parking lots, the free allowance for entry is permitted for a maximum cumulative total of three times per day by the same vehicle.


          What are the changes for passengers arriving at the Airport in their own cars?

          Passengers arriving at the airport with their own vehicles must enter booked or chosen parking facilities within the 10 minutes allowed in the ZTC.
          Once you leave the car park, you must exit the ZTC within 10 minutes.
          We repeat that, in the event of traffic delays that make it impossible to comply with the limit of 10 minutes, the system will be disabled.


          What about accompanying persons?

          As mentioned, the "Accompagnatori - Sosta Breve" parking (short-term) directly outside the Terminal (mainly used for quick loading and unloading of passengers and luggage) allows free parking for the first 20 minutes from entering the car park.
          Please note that the "Sosta Breve" (short-stay) car park costs more and does not allow free parking time after the third passage of the same vehicle on the same day.
          So once they have entered the ZTC area, accompanying persons interested only in passenger loading/unloading may, for example, enter the short-stay ("sosta breve") car park within 10 minutes. In the short-stay parking area, as specified above, they have 20 minutes free to for loading/unloading passengers and luggage.
          Therefore, accompanying persons must not stop on the roadside inside the ZTC, where stopping and parking is already not permitted anyway.
          Once leaving the parking area, you must exit the ZTC exit within 10 minutes.


          What are the changes for PRMs (Passengers with Reduced Mobility) and for those with disabilities?

          For PRM and persons with disabilities, whether they are passengers or accompanying persons and irrespective of whether they have Disabled Persons passes (as per Pres. Decree 16 December 1992 no. 495 and Pres. Decree no. 151 of 30 July 2012), the same rules apply as those above because the car parks are open to the public and have dedicated Disabled Persons parking spaces as per current relevant regulations.


          I'm a taxi driver. What are the changes for me?

          All taxis entitled to access the reserved parking areas of the Arrivals/Departures Terminal must continue to go as always to the passengers waiting or unloading area dedicated for taxis. The only difference is that you must reach that dedicated area within 10 minutes, which is ample time even in very busy traffic.
          Instead, for non-sublicensee taxis of SAVE who are waiting for their customers, there are reserved parking areas outside the ZTC.


          I'm a "rental with driver". What are the changes for me?

          All rental-with-driver vehicles who have a sub-concession contract must continue as usual to go to the waiting areas (e.g. buffer park at P5) and/or the loading/unloading areas intended for them. The only difference is that you must reach that dedicated area within 10 minutes, which is ample time even in very busy traffic.
          For rental with driver vehicles that are not sublicensors of SAVE or who waiting for their customers, parking areas are reserved outside the ZTC.
          We repeat that, in the event of traffic delays that make it impossible to comply with the limit of 10 minutes, the system will be disabled.


          What are the changes for buses?

          Both buses authorised to access the lane outside the Terminal and those using the "P Bus" park must continue to go those areas as before. The only difference is that they must go to that dedicated area within 10 minutes, which is ample time even in very busy traffic.
          We repeat that, in the event of traffic delays that make it impossible to comply with the limit of 10 minutes, the system will be disabled.


          I'm renting a car. What are the changes for me?

          For passengers picking up rented cars, on leaving the dedicated car parks, you have 10 minutes to exit the ZTC. For passengers dropping off rented cars, on entering the ZTC, you have 10 minutes to enter the dedicated rental park to drop off your car.
          We repeat that, in the event of traffic delays that make it impossible to comply with the limit of 10 minutes, the system will be disabled.


          I work at the Airport. What are the changes for me?

          All Airport personnel must continue as always going to the car park intended for them. The only difference is that you must reach your dedicated area within 10 minutes, which is ample time even in very busy traffic.
          We repeat that, in the event of traffic delays that make it impossible to comply with the limit of 10 minutes, the system will be disabled.
          If for any reason you need to park on the roadside for longer than 10 minutes, you must - beforehand or up to 72 hours after transit - obtain accreditation by filling in the form (ZTC ACCREDITATION APPLICATION), attaching the required documents.


          I am a supplier of the Airport. What are the changes for me?

          Suppliers who use the Airport’s parking areas for work must reach the areas mentioned above within 10 minutes.
          Those who instead need to remain on the roads due to the particular nature of their work (e.g. for maintenance works) must - beforehand or up to 72 hours after transit - obtain accreditation by filling in the form (ZTC ACCREDITATION APPLICATION), attaching the required documents.



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